Friday, March 14, 2008


I forgot to mention a huge change in my last update. Pricscila was transferred to Chimoio to work with children. The switch was very abrupt and upsetting but she's happy where she is now and has a lot more to do. A new Di also arrived at the school. Her name is Sojourner and she trained at the same school as me in Massachusetts. We are having a lot of fun together. We break out into musicals quite often.

Here's one of my smaller evening classes. We are analyzing the lyrics of Jon Lennon's Imagine.

This is me helping to collect garbage in the city with an organization called ALMA. It was so hot that day. This is about an hour before I fainted. As you can see I don't look very happy.

A nice close up of one of the many moths that have invaded our house. They are about the size of my hand when they open their wings. When the lights are off it seems as if there are birds flying around our house.

The following are pictures I took while walking around Inhambane city. You'll notice in this picture how my sense of fashion has been influenced by Mozambican style. I was actually complemented on this outfit once. Who would have thought stripes and Popsicles would be in fashion.

This is the other side of the sign I was standing next to. I love this picture for some reason.

The sun setting by the dock to Maixixe.

A painting on the front of a little restaurant.

Oh the beautiful architecture. This is my favorite building in the city. There is some wonderful colonial buildings here that just need a little work. Whenever I walk through the streets I pick out which house I will buy and refurbish and then show of in Architectural digest.

It's like this everyday. And people say it's a sacrifice living here. Hah!

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